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Common Cause NC는 Mecklenburg County Detention Center의 유권자들에게 수백 권의 유권자 안내서를 제공합니다.

CHARLOTTE – Common Cause NC on Wednesday delivered 1,750 nonpartisan voter guides to the Mecklenburg County Detention Center, giving eligible voters there important information on exercising their right to cast a ballot this election.

Under North Carolina law, citizens who are awaiting trial or who are convicted of misdemeanors keep their right to vote and are able to cast a ballot. North Carolinians convicted of a felony temporarily lose their right to vote while serving their sentence, but automatically regain their voting rights upon completing all parts of their sentence.

“It is important that all eligible citizens, whether incarcerated or not, be afforded the opportunity to cast their vote,” said Captain Z. Parker with the Mecklenburg County Detention Center. “It’s in line with our mission to return citizens back into the community with hope and a chance for a successful future.”

“We believe that every eligible voter should be able to exercise their constitutional right to cast a ballot,” said Trey Gibson, civic engagement organizer with Common Cause NC. “We’re proud to help ensure that eligible Mecklenburg County voters who are incarcerated are not forgotten and are able to make their voices heard in the election.”

“We thank Sheriff McFadden and the staff at the Mecklenburg County Detention Center for this opportunity to help eligible voters learn about the election and exercise their fundamental right to vote,” said Common Cause NC의 전무이사인 Bob Phillips.

The Mecklenburg County Voter Guide provided by Common Cause NC includes nonpartisan information on voting in North Carolina, along with questionnaire responses from candidates running for governor and U.S. Senate, the legislature, Council of State, judge and county commissioner.

Common Cause NC is working with partner organizations to distribute more than 1 million voter guides to citizens throughout the state and has produced a comprehensive, interactive voter guide online at NCVoterGuide.org.

Common Cause NC는 미국 민주주의의 핵심 가치를 옹호하는 비당파적 대중 조직입니다.

A photo of today’s voter guide delivery can be downloaded here.


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