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Common Cause NC는 새로운 투표 지도가 그려짐에 따라 노스캐롤라이나 주민들이 목소리를 내도록 돕기 위해 새로운 선거구 조정 커뮤니티 참여 전문가를 환영합니다.

RALEIGH – As North Carolina prepares to draw new voting maps in 2021, Common Cause NC welcomes 로트리나 캠벨 그리고 타일러 데이 as the organization’s new Redistricting Community Engagement Specialists.

In their roles with Common Cause NC, Rotrina and Tyler will help educate and engage communities across the state in the redistricting process. The outreach effort will include redistricting workshops designed to empower North Carolinians to have a voice in how new voting maps are drawn.

“This is a critical time for our state. The new voting districts created in 2021 will affect all North Carolinians, impacting elections and shaping the priorities of our government for years to come. And so it’s vital that the public plays a central role in how the lines are drawn and that no community is hurt by gerrymandered maps,” said Common Cause NC의 전무이사인 Bob Phillips. “We’re excited to have Rotrina and Tyler join our team as we advocate for a fair redistricting process that protects communities, truly values public input and puts people above politics – and is completely free from gerrymandering.”

Rotrina Campbell is a highly skilled organizer who brings extensive outreach experience with a variety of organizations and causes rooted in communities of color. She is a graduate of Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte and she earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix.

Tyler Daye has a strong background in community outreach in North Carolina, with a special focus on the effort to end gerrymandering in our state. He is a graduate of UNC Greensboro with a degree in Political Science and Sociology.

More information about how the public can get engaged in this year’s redistricting process and the effort to end gerrymandering in North Carolina is available at CommonCauseNC.org.

Common Cause NC는 미국 민주주의의 핵심 가치를 옹호하는 비당파적 대중 조직입니다.



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