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DRA analysis of court-approved remedial maps

In order to further public transparency about redistricting in North Carolina and allow for public review, Common Cause has uploaded remedial maps approved by the state court into Dave’s Redistricting Application (DRA). This information is provided for public education only, and the analysis here reflects that generated by the DRA program and does not constitute an opinion on or endorsement of these maps by Common Cause.

Click on the map name below to jump to its analysis section:


NC Senate

NC House

2022 NC Interim Congressional Map

전체 DRA 분석 및 대화형 지도를 보려면 여기를 클릭하세요..

The DRA Analysis shows:

DRA Analytics:

DRA는 지도가 5가지 다른 기준을 어떻게 충족하는지 조사합니다. 비례, 경쟁력, 소수자 대표, 컴팩트함, 그리고 파편. 각 범주에 대한 점수는 0~100점 척도로 아래에 나와 있습니다. 숫자가 높을수록 점수가 더 좋습니다. DRA의 소수자 대표 분석은 투표권법(VRA) 준수를 보장하지 않는다는 점에 유의하세요. DRA는 또한 관심 커뮤니티와 같은 일부 요소는 정량화하기 어려울 수 있다고 언급합니다.

아래는 주택 평면도에 대한 보기입니다. composite 2016-2020 election data 여러 선거의 결과를 합친 것입니다. 빨간색이나 파란색의 음영이 진할수록 의석이 더 안전합니다. 음영이 밝을수록 의석이 덜 안전합니다.

To rate the districts, DRA uses the Democratic vote share. The rank votes graph below illustrates the Democratic vote share in each district. Five of the districts had a Democratic vote share between 45% and 55%. This includes district 1, district 9, district 11, and district 13. To learn more about how the rank votes graph works, 여기를 클릭하세요.

The declination (indicated by the white circle in the rank votes graph) of this congressional plan is lower than both those enacted by the North Carolina legislature.  The bigger the declination, the greater the partisan bias of the plan.

Out of the 4 districts with a democratic vote share between 45% and 55%,  2 lean Republican and 2 lean Democratic. According to the DRA analysis, the most likely outcome of this map would be a 7-7 split, 7 Democrats, 7 Republicans.

이 지도는 노스캐롤라이나의 흑인 인구가 각 지구에 어떻게 분포되어 있는지 보여줍니다.

District 1 has a Black voting age population of 41.23%.  It is the only district with a Black voting age population above 37%.  Districts 1 is the only majority-minority district.

Black Voting Age Population of Northeast NC Congressional District:

Remedial NC Senate Map

전체 DRA 분석 및 대화형 지도를 보려면 여기를 클릭하세요..

The DRA Analysis shows:

DRA Analytics:

DRA는 지도가 5가지 다른 기준을 어떻게 충족하는지 조사합니다. 비례, 경쟁력, 소수자 대표, 컴팩트함, 그리고 파편. 각 범주에 대한 점수는 0~100점 척도로 아래에 나와 있습니다. 숫자가 높을수록 점수가 더 좋습니다. DRA의 소수자 대표 분석은 투표권법(VRA) 준수를 보장하지 않는다는 점에 유의하세요. DRA는 또한 관심 커뮤니티와 같은 일부 요소는 정량화하기 어려울 수 있다고 언급합니다.

아래는 상원 계획에 대한 견해입니다. composite 2016-2020 election data which combines the results of several elections. The darker the shade of red or blue the safer the seat. The lighter the shade, the less safe the seat is.

To rate the districts, DRA uses the Democratic vote share. The rank votes graph below illustrates the Democratic vote share in each district. Nine of the districts had a Democratic vote share between 45% and 55%. This includes:

  • District 3 (Warren, Halifax, Northampton, Hertford, Martin, Bertie, Camden, Currituck, Tyrell, and Gates counties)
  • District 4 (Wilson, Greene, and Wayne counties),
  • District 7 (most of New Hanover County),
  • District 11 (Vance, Franklin, Nash),
  • District 17 (southern Wake County),
  • District 18 (Granville County and northern Wake County),
  • District 21 (Moore County and northwest Cumberland County),
  • District 24 (Scotland, Hoke, and Robeson counties)
  • District 42 (southern Mecklenburg County)

To learn more about how the rank votes graph works, 여기를 클릭하세요.

Out of the 9 districts with a Democratic vote share between 45% and 55%, 4 lean Republican and 5 lean Democratic. According to the DRA analysis, the most likely outcome of this map would be a 28-22 split in favor of the Republicans.

이 지도는 노스캐롤라이나의 흑인 인구가 각 지구에 어떻게 분포되어 있는지 보여줍니다.

There are 8 districts with a Black voting age population over 37%.  This includes:

  • District 3 (Warren, Halifax, Northampton, Hertford, Martin, Bertie, Camden, Currituck, Tyrell, and Gates counties),
  • District 5 (Pitt, Edgecombe),
  • District 14 (eastern Wake County),
  • District 19 (Cumberland County),
  • District 28 (Greensboro, central Guilford County)
  • District 38 (central and northeastern Mecklenburg County)
  • District 40 (eastern Mecklenburg County
  • District 41 (northern and western Mecklenburg County)

There are 8 majority-minority districts.  This includes:

  • District 14 (eastern Wake County)
  • District 19 (Cumberland County)
  • District 22 (central and northern Durham County)
  • District 24 (Scotland, Hoke, and Robeson counties)
  • District 28 (Greensboro, central Guilford County)
  • District 38 (central and northeastern Mecklenburg County)
  • District 40 (eastern Mecklenburg County
  • District 41 (northern and western Mecklenburg County)

Remedial NC House Map

전체 DRA 분석 및 대화형 지도를 보려면 여기를 클릭하세요..

The DRA Analysis shows:

DRA Analytics:

DRA는 지도가 5가지 다른 기준을 어떻게 충족하는지 조사합니다. 비례, 경쟁력, 소수자 대표, 컴팩트함, 그리고 파편. 각 범주에 대한 점수는 0~100점 척도로 아래에 나와 있습니다. 숫자가 높을수록 점수가 더 좋습니다. DRA의 소수자 대표 분석은 투표권법(VRA) 준수를 보장하지 않는다는 점에 유의하세요. DRA는 또한 관심 커뮤니티와 같은 일부 요소는 정량화하기 어려울 수 있다고 언급합니다.

아래는 주택 평면도에 대한 보기입니다. composite 2016-2020 election data 여러 선거의 결과를 합친 것입니다. 빨간색이나 파란색의 음영이 진할수록 의석이 더 안전합니다. 음영이 밝을수록 의석이 덜 안전합니다.

To rate the districts, DRA uses the Democratic vote share. The rank votes graph below illustrates the Democratic vote share in each district. Twenty-three of the districts had a Democratic vote share between 45% and 55%. To learn more about how the rank votes graph works, 여기를 클릭하세요.

Out of the 23 districts with a democratic vote share between 45% and 55%, 9 lean Republican and 14 lean Democratic. According to the DRA analysis, the most likely outcome of this map would be a 63-57 split in favor of the Republicans.

이 지도는 노스캐롤라이나의 흑인 인구가 각 지구에 어떻게 분포되어 있는지 보여줍니다.

There are 21 districts with a Black voting age population of 37% or higher. In 4 of the districts, the majority of the voting age population is Black.  This includes:

  • District 23 (Edgecombe, Martin, and Bertie counties)
  • District 27, (Warren, Halifax, and Northampton counties)
  • District 101 (part of western Mecklenburg County)
  • District 107 (part of northern and north central Mecklenburg County)

District 21 (Morrisville and northwestern Cary) has an Asian voting age population of 42%.

District 47 (Robeson County) has a Native American voting age population of 47%.



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