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올해 NC 의회 회기 동안 우리 민주주의를 보호하도록 도와주세요.

Stay engaged in this year's legislative session and make your voice heard!

Sign up for important updates:

*전화번호를 제공함으로써, 귀하는 Common Cause North Carolina로부터 모바일 알림을 받는 데 동의합니다. 메시지 및 데이터 요금이 적용됩니다.

The 2023 North Carolina legislative session is underway. And our Common Cause NC team will be right there at the legislature throughout the year, serving as “the People’s lobby.” We’ll be speaking up for everyday North Carolinians, working for a stronger democracy and holding lawmakers accountable to the public.

During this year’s legislative session we will work with members from both parties to:

  • Demand full transparency and meaningful public input in the legislative process, including the creation of our state’s budget
  • Defend everyone’s freedom to vote and fight any attempts at voter suppression
  • Call on lawmakers to provide critical funding for our state’s election system
  • Ensure our voting districts are absolutely free from partisan or racist gerrymandering
  • Advocate for lasting redistricting reform that puts people over politics
  • Counter the corrosive influence of big money in politics by advocating for common-sense campaign finance reforms
  • Ensure students from our state’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities have a voice at the legislature and that HBCUs get the equitable support they deserve

Throughout the legislative session, we’ll keep you informed and up to date on crucial issues under consideration so that you can make your voice heard.

Also, in the weeks ahead we’ll organize a People’s Lobby Day with North Carolinians from across the state coming to the legislature to speak up on critical pro-democracy issues like protecting voting rights and ending gerrymandering. More information on this event and others devoted to this year’s all-important state and local advocacy will be coming soon, including details on how you can participate in person or virtually.

This year marks 50 years since Common Cause launched our chapter in North Carolina. Our mission of building an inclusive, multiracial democracy has never been more important than it is today. Together, let’s carry on this vital work.


  • 닫다

    안녕하세요! {state}에서 합류하시는 것 같습니다.

    귀하의 주에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 보고 싶으신가요?

    Common Cause {state}로 가세요