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5 вещей, которые нужно знать о политике Северной Каролины на этой неделе (10 сентября 2023 г.)



In this week’s “5 Things to Know,” Ann Webb of Common Cause NC looks at what’s happening in the world of Tar Heel politics, including:

  • protests continue to mount against Senate Bill 749, a harmful bill that could create chaos and gridlock in North Carolina’s elections, threatening to dismantle popular options like early voting
  • the legislature may soon try to overturn the governor’s veto of Senate Bill 747, yet another anti-voter bill that would create damaging barriers to casting a ballot and especially hurt people who rely on absentee voting by mail
  • after a months-long delay, leaders of the Republican-controlled NC House and NC Senate may have reached a deal on a new state budget – but will it provide critical election funding?
  • a new round of redistricting – and potentially extreme gerrymandering – looms on the horizon for North Carolina
  • our #UniteЭкскурсия по ратуше Северной Каролины rolls on across North Carolina as community members speak out on issues that matter most to them and hold lawmakers accountable to the people


Tell your lawmakers: Stop the total elections takeover and vote NO to Senate Bill 749

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Сделайте пожертвование, чтобы поддержать нашу работу по защите демократии в Северной Каролине.



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