Остановка Конвенции Статьи V

Богатые особые интересы настаивают на конституционном съезде, который мог бы выставить на продажу все наши права. Common Cause дает отпор.

Mega-donors, corporations, and radical far-right actors are pushing calls for an Article V Convention in states across the country to rewrite the U.S. Constitution for their own benefit. Frighteningly, they are just a few states away from succeeding.

Under Article V of the U.S. Constitution, Congress is required to hold a constitutional convention if two-thirds of state legislatures (34 states) call for one. But there is a catch: there are absolutely no rules for an Article V Convention outlined in the Constitution. That means the group of people convening to revise our country’s core legal document could be totally unelected and unaccountable. There is no way to limit the convention to a single issue, so the delegates could write amendments that revoke any of our most cherished rights—like our right to peaceful protest, our freedom of religion, or our right to privacy.

Right now, there are four major campaigns for an Article V Convention, and each has a different set of goals. But together, they have convinced 28 states to call for a convention. That means they have just six states to go—which is why we are stopping an Article V Convention by ramping up our efforts to reject and rescind calls in states nationwide.

Ваша финансовая поддержка помогает нам оказывать влияние привлечение власти к ответственности и укрепление демократии.


Боб Филлипс

Боб Филлипс

Исполнительный директор

Common Cause Северная Каролина

Джейн Пински

Джейн Пински

Менеджер по законодательным вопросам и взаимодействию

Common Cause Северная Каролина

Энн Уэбб

Энн Уэбб

Директор по политике

Common Cause Северная Каролина



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