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Cuộc điều tra về vụ giết người của lực lượng thực thi pháp luật Andrew Brown Jr. không cung cấp sự minh bạch hoặc trách nhiệm giải trình

RALEIGH – This week, District Attorney Andrew Womble announced his decision not to bring criminal charges against Pasquotank County sheriff’s deputies who shot and killed Andrew Brown Jr.

Sau đây là một tuyên bố từ Bob Phillips, giám đốc điều hành của Common Cause NC:

“Andrew Brown Jr. and his family deserve justice. Sadly, the district attorney’s investigation has been woefully lacking in transparency and accountability. The deeply troubling decision by the district attorney speaks to profound failings in our justice system that far too often betrays Black Americans and excuses violence by law enforcement officials against people of color. Clearly, an independent federal investigation is all the more important in this case.

We reiterate that as a nation, we must end the epidemic of law enforcement officers killing Black Americans. We must value, respect and protect Black lives. We must defeat the evils of racism and white supremacy that continue to pervade our society, evident in racial inequalities in policing. We must stand together to hold our elected officials accountable at all levels of government and demand tangible solutions based on equity, inclusion and justice.”

Common Cause NC là một tổ chức cơ sở phi đảng phái, chuyên bảo vệ các giá trị cốt lõi của nền dân chủ Hoa Kỳ.



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