
本周北卡罗来纳州政治你需要了解的 5 件事(2023 年 9 月 3 日)



在本周的“您需要了解的 5 件事”中,Common Cause NC 的 Ann Webb 探讨了北卡罗莱纳州政坛正在发生的事情,其中包括:

  • this upcoming week, legislative leaders will likely try to ram through Senate Bill 749, a harmful bill that could create chaos and gridlock in North Carolina’s elections, threatening to dismantle popular options like early voting
  • the legislature may soon try to overturn the governor’s veto of 参议院第 747 号法案, yet another anti-voter bill that would create damaging barriers to casting a ballot and especially hurt people who rely on absentee voting by mail
  • NC Supreme Court Justice Anita Earls is standing up for free speech rights after facing a baseless investigation for discussing the lack of diversity in North Carolina’s courts
  • legislators may try to use a budget scheme to seize more influence over courts, raising concerns about undermining the independence of North Carolina’s judicial branch
  • learn how you can speak up and join our movement to hold lawmakers accountable to the people of North Carolina


Tell your lawmakers: Stop the total elections takeover and vote NO to Senate Bill 749

表达您的意见!加入我们的 #UniteNC 市政厅之旅





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