

RALEIGH – On Wednesday, a divided NC Senate Committee on Redistricting and Elections approved Senate Bill 326 with very little opportunity for public comment. This deeply flawed bill would eliminate the three-day window for county boards of elections to receive absentee ballots by mail after Election Day, even when those ballots are postmarked on or before Election Day. The bill now goes to the Senate Rules Committee.

以下声明来自 鲍勃·菲利普斯(Bob Phillips),Common Cause NC 执行董事:

“Last year’s historic election saw record turnout in North Carolina and showed how participation in our democracy can thrive when voting is made accessible for all voters. A million North Carolina voters chose to cast an absentee ballot by mail in 2020. Sadly, instead of building on last year’s election success, some politicians now want to take our state backward and make casting a ballot more difficult for North Carolinians.

Senate Bill 326 would eliminate the window for county boards of elections to receive absentee ballots by mail up to three days after Election Day, even when those lawful ballots are postmarked on or before Election Day. There is absolutely no evidence that this change is needed. It would simply hurt North Carolina voters, especially those in rural communities, who follow the rules but could have their ballot unfairly invalidated because of a delay in mail delivery. We call on legislators to reject Senate Bill 326.

It’s worth noting that 2009年,北卡罗来纳州议会两院一致投票通过设立三天的邮寄缺席选票宽限期。2009 年投票支持三天宽限期的人包括参议员菲尔·伯杰 (Phil Berger) 和现任众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔 (Tim Moore)。

Rather than creating unnecessary barriers to the ballot box, lawmakers should work in a bipartisan way to make casting a ballot accessible for every North Carolina voter. We must protect the freedom of all voters to participate in our elections.”

Common Cause NC 是一个无党派草根组织,致力于维护美国民主的核心价值观。



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