
Fair Districts Huddle Follow Up

Thank you to those who joined last night’s All Volunteer Huddle!  

Click here for the slides and click here for the recording. Apologies: we began recording a few minutes into the presentation, so this video begins a bit abruptly while one of our guests, Travis Irvine, is speaking. Much appreciation to both Travis and Trae Crowder for joining us and speaking about the importance of citizen power and voting Yes on Issue 1!

This Huddle was all about the best and most effective ways not only to counter and neutralize disinformation, but to share positive messages about the Citizens Not Politicians amendment.  It’s up to us to make sure those who want to end gerrymandering know it’s YES on 1 when they vote. 

If you missed the meeting last night, we highly recommend that you take a look at the slides to see examples of how to make “truth sandwiches.” Also, check out some of the resources below. 

Useful Resources about the Citizens Not Politicians Amendment

There are so many ways to promote Issue 1! Check in with your local volunteer leader if you worked with one during signature collection, or sign up to volunteer and be connected to a local leader here. To find canvassing, materials distribution, and other opportunities near you, click here. The slides have links to resources about writing letters to the editor, and more. Send an email to if you need materials or have questions. 

Poll Standing

One easy and important way to support the amendment is to hand out

“Yes on 1” fliers to voters as they head into the polls. Please sign up for a shift in the following counties:

If you don’t find your county on this list and you want to hand out materials at Early Vote, send an email to

We so very much appreciate everything you are doing to make sure we WIN BIG in November! We are in the final push. Let’s make sure the next Fair Districts Huddle is a celebration.