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Anti-Gerrymandering Group Provides Path Forward for Fair Maps Deadlines

Today, Fair Districts Ohio sent a letter to the Ohio Redistricting Commission asking that they deliver fair maps for the state House, Senate, and Congressional districts by the mandated deadlines.

Common Cause Ohio Supports Court’s Ruling on Gerrymandered State Maps

"Today’s ruling is clear: gerrymandered maps have no place in the state of Ohio."

Fair Districts Ohio Unveils a Model Congressional Map

“We’re proud to present a map drawn by Fair Districts advocates that ensures our congressional elections are fair, politically competitive, and free of gerrymandering,” said Catherine Turcer, Common Cause Ohio Executive Director.

Fair Districts Ohio Strongly Rejects Any Attempt to Use Unconstitutional Maps in 2022 Elections

The Fair Districts Ohio coalition strongly rejects the claim that the second set of Ohio General Assembly maps produced by the Ohio Redistricting Commission are constitutional or that they abide by the Ohio Supreme Court's ruling.

Ohio Redistricting Commission Approves Second Set of State Legislative Maps

While these Ohio House and Senate maps might be new, the backroom negotiations that produced them are not. As Yogi Berra said, “It’s déjà vu all over again.”

Common Cause Ohio Applauds Supreme Court’s Call for Fair Congressional Maps

“Ohio voters have been waiting too long for fair districts. We all deserve to participate in meaningful elections, which is why nearly 75% of Ohio voters approved putting clear rules prohibiting partisan gerrymandering in the Ohio Constitution. We are glad the Ohio Supreme Court agrees."

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