

Update zur Neugliederung der Wahlbezirke 22.04.2022

Here is the latest information on the redistricting process in Ohio. Please join us on Thursday, April 28 at 11:30 as we Rally for Fair Maps and Fair Elections! Melden Sie sich an Hier.

We are also asking all those who are against gerrymandering to sign our sign-on letter and tell us why you care about fair maps. You can see the statement and sign at this link.

Karten des Repräsentantenhauses und Senats von Ohio

  • After the Ohio Redistricting Commission approved a fourth set of Ohio House and Ohio Senate maps on 3/28/2022, the League of Women Voters, et al., Einwände erhoben.
  • The Ohio Supreme Court niedergestreckt this fourth set of General Assembly maps on April 14. Their decision was not a big surprise since the fourth set of maps was nearly identical to the third set that had already been sent out.
  • In their decision, the Court gave the Commission until May 6th to come up with a new set of maps. They also indicated that the Commission should start with the maps drawn by the independent mappers.
  • On April 20, the panel of three federal judges issued a decision in the Klage brought by a group of Republican activists seeking to have struck down maps reinstated by federal courts before the May 3rd primary. They officially gave the Redistricting Commission until May 28 to draw a new set of maps, but at the same time, they indicated that if the Commission did NOT approve a new set of maps, the court would adopt the third set of legislative maps—maps already struck down as unconstitutional by the Ohio Supreme Court. 
  • Unfortunately, this means that even though the Ohio Supreme Court has told the Commission to create new maps by May 6, and although the panel of federal judges has told them to create new maps by May 28, the Commission is most likely to do nothing at all. They WANT to use the maps that have been struck down as unconstitutional; knowing that’s what they’ll get if they do nothing just incentivizes doing nothing.

Anklage wegen Missachtung 

  • Contempt charges raised by the Ohio Supreme Court were “continued”. Der Befehl did not set a new date for the hearing but was postponed indefinitely.
  • The contempt cases brought by the LWV and the Elias group were dismissed on April 14.


  • Am Freitag, dem 18.3., hat der Oberste Gerichtshof von Ohio eine Entscheidung erlassen Ablehnung des Versuchs der Antragsteller, die zweiter Plan zur Neugliederung der Kongresswahlbezirke als verfahrensmäßig unzulässig. Das Gericht erklärte, dass es nach der Aufhebung der ersten Kongresskarte keine Zuständigkeit mehr für den Kartenzeichnungsprozess habe. Daher müsse gegen die zweite Karte eine völlig neue und separate Beschwerde eingereicht werden. 
  • Am 21.3. reichte der National Redistricting Action Fund A new lawsuit Infragestellung der zweiten Kongresskarte. 
  • Am 22.3. reichten die ACLU und LWV eine zusätzliche Klage und fordert Korrekturen für zwei bestimmte Bezirke, nicht für das Jahr 2022, sondern für das Jahr 2024. 

Nochmals vielen Dank, dass Sie den Kampf für faire Bezirke fortsetzen!


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