

Kartenentwürfe für das Repräsentantenhaus und den Senat von Ohio von unabhängigen Kartografen

Monday, March 28, 2022.

Unified Ohio House Draft Map (In Dave’s Redistricting App)


Unified Senate Draft (In Dave’s Redistricting App)


Sunday, March 27, 2022. New drafts of Ohio House.

McDonald House Draft 3-27-22. (Link to map in Dave’s Redistricting App)

McDonald Senate draft 3-27-22. (Link to Map in Dave’s Redistricting App)


Johnson House draft 3-27-22. (Link to Map in Dave’s Redistricting App)

Johnson Senate Draft, 3-27-22. (Link to map in Dave’s Redistricting App)


Saturday, March 26, 2022. First drafts, Ohio House. 



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