

Wir haben es geschafft – 4 LKWs, 810 Kartons und 731.306 Unterschriften!

Fürs Protokoll: Die Petitionsbroschüren wurden zugestellt! Der Zusatz „Bürger statt Politiker“ ist der Aufnahme in die Abstimmung einen Schritt näher gekommen – und Ohio ist der Beendigung des Wahlkreismanipulierens einen Schritt näher gekommen.

We did it! The petition booklets have been delivered! The Citizens Not Politicians amendment is one step closer to getting on the ballot – and Ohio is one step closer to ending gerrymandering.  On July 1, thanks to the hard work of volunteers from across the state, the Citizens Not Politicians campaign delivered more than 731,000 signatures to the Ohio Secretary of State’s office. If enough of these are validated, the amendment will be approved for the November ballot – and we’re off to the races!


Common Cause Ohio and other Fair Districts partners started collecting signatures last August, and they’ve been hard at it ever since! Through four preliminary rounds of 1,000 signatures, through the coldest winter months and into the heat, at Pride celebrations, and during the solar eclipse and at libraries all over Ohio–our volunteers organized and deployed to collect tens of thousands of signatures across the state.

A special thank you to Paul Becker for his powerful photography

As a leader of the Fair Districts coalition, Common Cause Ohio staff were at the forefront of this tremendous effort. We led 21 circulator trainings, and trained over 2,500 to collect signatures.

A rally to celebrate booklets being turned in drew a crowd that filled the atrium of the Ohio Statehouse. Ann Fisher, former WOSU talk show host and Columbus Dispatch columnist, revved up the crowd. Former Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor reflected on all the hard work, “You stood in the rain. You braved the cold. You juggled your job and family responsibilities. You did what needed to be done for the future of Ohio.”

Mike Ahern, an independent from Blacklick, recognized the incredible commitment and effort it took to collect enough signatures and said, “Together, we can create a better future for Ohio — one where every vote counts and every voice is heard.”


We are well on our way to the November ballot! It wouldn’t have been possible without your hard work and support. Together, we can finally end gerrymandering once and for all!

Check out some of these stories about the event:


Your Common Cause Ohio team from left to right: CJ Wilson, Catherine Turcer, Sam Gresham, Mia Lewis, and Tiffany Rumbalski. Kelly Dufour was on jury duty!
Treffen der Freiwilligen des Fair District im August


Treffen der Freiwilligen des Fair District im August

Monatliches Update vom Freiwilligentreffen von Fair Districts. Fair Districts Ohio ist eine überparteiliche Koalition von Basisorganisationen, die sich für gerechtere Sitzverteilungen in den bundesstaatlichen Legislativen und Kongressen einsetzen. Angeführt wird die Koalition von Common Cause Ohio, ACLU Ohio und der League of Women Voters of Ohio.


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