

Die Zwischenwahlen 2022 finden MORGEN statt – So können sich die Einwohner von Ohio vorbereiten

„Unsere repräsentative Demokratie funktioniert am besten, wenn alle Wahlberechtigten ihre Stimme erheben.“

Ohio voters have just one more day to make their voices heard in the Tuesday, Nov. 8 midterm election. Voters can cast a ballot in-person or by mail. 

Die Wahllokale sind geöffnet von 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. local time. Absentee vote-by-mail  ballots must be postmarked no later than today, Nov. 7. Voters need to go into the post office to ensure the ballot has a postmark. Absentee ballots can also be returned to voters’ local boards of election on Election Day before 7:30 p.m. These absentee ballots cannot be returned to voters’ Election Day polling locations. 

“Our representative democracy works best when all eligible voters make their voices heard,” said Catherine Turcer, Geschäftsführerin von Common Cause Ohio. “Early, absentee, and mail-in voting improves access for voters who are unable to make it to the polls on Election Day and ensure every eligible voice is counted.” 

After polls close, the Ohio Secretary of State will begin posting unofficial results. Ohio is no stranger to close elections, and voters may need to be patient to find out the confirmed results in close races as the process of tabulating ballots takes time to ensure accuracy. 

“An extended timeline in election results should be reassuring,” Turcer said. “It’s proof that the system works and that bipartisan election officials are guaranteeing that each and every vote is properly counted.”

Ohioans who will be voting on Election Day can find their local polling place Hier. In order to vote, Ohoians must bring identification, which includes photo ID, military ID, utility bills, paycheck stubs, and bank statements. klicken Sie hier for Ohio’s expansive voter ID rules. 

Common Cause Ohio also reminds voters to use the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline, 866-UNSERE-STIMME, if they have any questions or encounter any challenges with casting a ballot on or before Election Day.


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