

Update zur Neugliederung der Wahlbezirke 11.05.2022

Karten des Repräsentantenhauses und Senats von Ohio

The Ohio Redistricting Commission has so far passed FOUR SETS of state legislative maps, all challenged in three lawsuits: LWV, NRAF, OOC. Four sets of maps have been struck down by the Ohio Supreme Court. 

First: Passed 9/16/2021; Challenged 9/23/2021; Struck down 1/14/2022

Second: Passed 1/22/2022; Challenged 1/25/2022; Struck down 2/7/2022

Third: Passed 2/24/2022; Challenged 2/28/2022; Struck down 3/16/2022

Fourth: Passed 3/28/2022; Challenged 4/1/2022; Struck down 4/14/2022

Fifth: Passed 5/5/2022; Challenged 5/6/2022; Waiting…

The 4th set of maps was nearly identical to the 3rd set. The 5th set is exactly identical to the 3rd set. Problem of asymmetry

  • Ohio Redistricting Commission openly defied the order from the Ohio Supreme Court to draw a new map by May 6. 
  • Refused to consider the completed independent mappers work.
  • Re-submitted maps already struck down by the court.
  • Used the excuse that BOEs are already programming the 2/24 maps—Successful strategy to run out the clock.


  • Federal panel set 5/28 deadline for new GA maps, but said if the ORC fails, the court will adopt the 2/24 maps (which is what the ORC wants anyway).
  • New contempt filings from OOC & NDRC on 5/10 & LWV 5/11
  • Lack of clarity around how long the maps might be in place.

Ohio’s Congressional Map Pending Lawsuits

We voted using the 2nd congressional map in the May 3rd primary, even though two lawsuits are still in process and the 3/2 map may yet be ruled unconstitutional. Each very different: 

  • Die ACLU von Ohio Klage eingereicht on 3/22 on behalf of LWVO. They are asking the Court to order the General Assembly, or Commission, to fix the 3/2/2022 map in time for the 2024 election. The lawsuit identifies districts that are clearly in violation and calls for the Supreme Court to order the mapmakers to fix these districts (CD 1 & 15).
  • Die Elias Law Group reichte eine gesonderte Klage on 3/21, seeking relief in time for the 2022 elections. The complaint asks the Court to issue a preliminary injunction for the primary election and court-ordered map chosen. An alternative request for relief asks the Court to order the General Assembly, or Commission, or draw a map in accordance with the Courts 1/14/22 order.  This lawsuit is asking for a complete redraw. 


Glen Campbell, Cuyahoga County: “We activists need to be empowered to act in some constructive way in the face of the demoralizing contempt and disdain our state’s voters have been subjected to.”

  • Letters to the editor
  • Register voters
  • Wahlschutz
  • Ask your local candidates if they support fair districts and how they will protect democracy!
  • What else are you doing? Share your ideas. 

Fair Districts Sign on Statement: bit.ly/OHFairMaps

  • Sign on as an organization and/or individual
  • Add info about why YOU demand fair maps & a photo
  • Share this sign on with your friends, groups, organizations
  • Share a graphic (from the chat) on social media
  • Are you good with Canva, Google Docs, and Twitter? Join a targeted graphics & social media team to highlight these statements (email Catherine Turcer at cturcer@commoncause.org to inquire about joining the team)

Here are a few useful links: 



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