

Fair Districts Ohio bekräftigt Unterstützung der unabhängigen Ohio General Assembly Karten

„Nur noch ein Tag bis zur Frist für eine fünfte Karte am 6. Mai. Deshalb fordert Fair Districts Ohio die Kommission zur Neugliederung der Wahlbezirke auf, den unabhängigen Kartensatz der überparteilichen Experten Dr. Douglas Johnson und Dr. Michael McDonald anzunehmen.“

“It’s been 21 days since the Ohio Supreme Court ordered the Ohio Redistricting Commission to draw a fifth set of General Assembly district maps. All four previous versions have been ruled unconstitutional gerrymanders by the state’s highest court. With only one day remaining before the May 6 deadline for a fifth map, Fair Districts Ohio urges the Redistricting Commission to adopt the independent set of maps drawn by bipartisan experts Dr. Douglas Johnson and Dr. Michael McDonald. The Coalition also refutes the wrongful claims by some Commissioners that the independent maps are constitutionally deficient or not complete.

Despite the wrongful claims by some of the Redistricting Commissions, the Johnson/McDonald map checks all the boxes:

  • It was drawn transparently on a live stream, for all Ohioans to see.
  • It was not drawn by partisan legislative staff.
  • All commissioners were able to give feedback and propose changes.
  • It is the product of compromise.
  • It more closely mirrors Ohio’s partisan preferences.
  • It is more compact than any map adopted by the Commission.
  • It splits fewer voting districts.
  • It can be finalized in a matter of hours.

(For more info, please see the analysis from Professor Rodden comparing map plans.)

The Ohio Redistricting Commission can end this charade, and adopt bipartisan, fair General Assembly districts prior to the May 6 deadline if they move to adopt the Johnson/McDonald map. The people of Ohio have endured nine months of partisan games and strategic obstruction throughout this process. The Commission can stop playing games and finally bring fair maps to Ohio by adopting the independent Johnson/McDonald maps.”



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