

Ohio May Updates – House Bill 6 hat tiefe Wurzeln in der Korruption

This month, our Common Cause Ohio update focuses on the House Bill 6 bribery scandal that continues to play out. The largest public scandal in our state’s history has hung over us like a heavy cloud for years, serving as a textbook example of how corruption and shady deals benefit politicians and wealthy special interests. 

Years after the passage of House Bill 6 and we’re still uncovering more suspicious payments and connections. A recent public records release revealed further connections between Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, Gov. Mike DeWine, Ohio Sen. Pres. Matt Huffman, and FirstEnergy, the utility that angled to orchestrate a bailout of its nuclear plants. 

Special ‘Power Grab’ Virtual Event – May 3 at noon

Please join us at the Ohio Voter Rights Coalition’s general meeting this Friday, May 3 at noon. We are going to provide an overview of the House Bill 6 saga with special guest Renee Fox, a local reporter with 89.7 NPR News who writes and hosts the “Power Grab” podcast.

Register to Join Us Friday

TAKE ACTION! Tell Speaker Stephens and President Huffman to Repeal HB6

The Ohio General Assembly continues to dodge its responsibility to repeal House Bill 6 completely and refuses to shine a light on dark money. 

Because of House Bill 6, Ohio ratepayers are spending an estimated $533,589 per day to prop up two aging coal plants. Help us remind legislative leaders that Ohioans are tired of holding the bag: House Bill 6 must be completely repealed. 

The House Bill 6 saga has highlighted the urgent need for greater transparency and accountability. Tell them it’s time to pull back the curtains on political spending from all sources. Secrecy fosters corruption. Let’s ensure that Ohioans don’t continue to be taken advantage of.

Sign Here to Take Action

Common Cause Ohio is tracking HB6 developments. Check out my recent op-ed in the Plain Dealer/Cleveland.com: For the sake of our state, it’s time to pull out HB6 root and branch. Here are a few resources in case you want to take a deeper dive:

Thank you for your commitment to this work! Watch for exciting opportunities to fight gerrymandering this summer.


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