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Sub. House Bill 680 – Opponent Testimony

Ohio senators: Amend House Bill 680 to help keep voters safe in November


Don't wait! Apply for your vote-by-mail ballot today and help flatten the absentee ballot request curve

Boards of Elections will be overwhelmed if all the requests come in at once. Submit your request early and then track your ballot.


Testimony Opposing Ohio House Bill 680

Common Cause Ohio speaks out against a bad elections bill.


Vote-by-Mail in Ohio: Planning for November

A follow up to our 5/6 Webinar on Vote-By-Mail, with answers to more of your questions.


Educate the public, plan for future elections, and demand open government

COVID-19 pandemic brought a last minute postponement of Ohio's in-person primary election. Here's information on how you can still participate, and on how what we need to do to safeguard our elections -- and other aspects of our democracy -- going forward.

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