
Catherine Turcer es la directora ejecutiva de Common Cause Ohio. Experta en redistribución de distritos y financiación de campañas a nivel estatal, Catherine aboga por una mayor transparencia y un gobierno más responsable y ha liderado iniciativas de reforma estatal desde mediados de los años 90. Antes de unirse a Common Cause Ohio en abril de 2012, Catherine fue directora legislativa de Ohio Citizen Action. Durante su mandato en Ohio Citizen Action se desempeñó como directora del Proyecto Money in Politics de Ohio Citizen Action y fue coautora de varios estudios que rastrean las contribuciones a las campañas. En 2006, Catherine recibió el Premio Espíritu de la Democracia del Secretario de Estado de Ohio. Catherine tiene una licenciatura en gerontología y psicología clínica de la Universidad Alfred y asistió a la Universidad de Connecticut para realizar estudios de posgrado con un enfoque en trabajo social grupal e investigación.

Ohioans Can Call Voting Support Hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE

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Ohioans Can Call Voting Support Hotline: 866-OUR-VOTE

Common Cause Ohio reminds Ohioans that tomorrow, November 7, is Election Day, and nonpartisan voting support is available through Ohio’s Election Protection Hotline, 866-OUR-VOTE.

Ohio Democracy Advocates Win Latest Victory in Battle for Citizens Redistricting Commission

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Ohio Democracy Advocates Win Latest Victory in Battle for Citizens Redistricting Commission

COLUMBUS, OH — Today, the Ohio Ballot Board determined that the Citizens Not Politicians proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution is a single subject. This step enables the campaign to begin collecting the required 413,487 signatures from Ohio voters that will place the issue on the November 2024 ballot. 

50 State Report: Ohio Earns Failing Grade for Redistricting from Common Cause

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50 State Report: Ohio Earns Failing Grade for Redistricting from Common Cause

COLUMBUS OH — Today, Common Cause, the leading anti-gerrymandering group, published a report grading the redistricting process in all 50 states from the view of the community. The comprehensive report evaluates public access, outreach, and education in each state based on an analysis of more than 120 detailed surveys and more than 60 interviews. 

Ohio One Step Closer to a Citizens Redistricting Commission

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Ohio One Step Closer to a Citizens Redistricting Commission

COLUMBUS, OH — Today, Common Cause Ohio is pleased to note Attorney General Yost’s acceptance of the summary language for the Citizens Not Politicians proposed constitutional amendment to create a citizen-led, independent redistricting commission (IRC) in Ohio.

La sentencia de 20 años de prisión para un jefe de familia conlleva consecuencias reales en relación con el pago por participación en Ohio

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La sentencia de 20 años de prisión para un jefe de familia conlleva consecuencias reales en relación con el pago por participación en Ohio

"Esta sentencia tiene implicaciones importantes, tanto en el estado de Buckeye como en todo el país. Al responsabilizar a Householder, envía un mensaje a sus colegas legisladores y otros funcionarios públicos de que el pago por participar no solo es incorrecto e ilegal, sino que puede tener consecuencias reales".

227 Ohio-based Organizations Denied Opportunity to Voice Opposition of Minority Rule Bill

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227 Ohio-based Organizations Denied Opportunity to Voice Opposition of Minority Rule Bill

COLUMBUS, OH — In a narrow 7-6 vote, the Ohio House Constitutional Resolutions Committee passed a resolution allowing HJR 1 — a bill that seeks to increase the ballot threshold for amending the constitution from a simple majority to 60% — to a floor vote.

Justice at Last: Householder and Borges found guilty

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Justice at Last: Householder and Borges found guilty

"This verdict has powerful implications for the rest of the country. Citizens United may have opened the floodgates of corporate cash, but that doesn’t mean that pay-to-play is legal or right. The trial revealed how essential basic disclosure is and the importance of being able to follow the money."



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