
Presione soltar

Ohio, un paso más cerca de una comisión ciudadana de redistribución de distritos

COLUMBUS, OH — Hoy, Common Cause Ohio se complace en señalar que el Fiscal General Yost aceptó el lenguaje resumido de la enmienda constitucional propuesta por Ciudadanos, no Políticos para crear una comisión de redistribución de distritos (IRC) independiente y dirigida por ciudadanos en Ohio.

Attorney General Yost approves ballot measure language

COLUMBUS, OH — Today, Common Cause Ohio is pleased to note Attorney General Yost’s acceptance of the summary language for the Citizens Not Politicians proposed constitutional amendment to create a citizen-led, independent redistricting commission (IRC) in Ohio. This approval means the proposed amendment can move on to the Ballot Board for approval as a single subject, moving one step closer to our goal — a citizens redistricting commission that will create fair maps and fair elections for Ohio. 

Common Cause Ohio released the following statement from executive director Catherine Turcer in response.

"Attorney General Yost’s approval of the summary language means we are one step closer to putting a citizens redistricting commission on the ballot in Ohio. After state lawmakers approved rigged legislative maps just last week, we are more eager than ever to take the power to draw district lines entirely out of the hands of self-interested politicians and into the hands of Ohio citizens.  

Ohioans are fed up with our broken system and ready for real change. 

Make no mistake: This will be a long journey with many hurdles. However, we are confident that the Citizens Not Politicians amendment will make it onto the ballot and that, after a YES vote, Ohioans will finally get the fair maps and responsive representation we deserve.”




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