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Common Cause Ohio aplaude el llamado de la Corte Suprema a favor de mapas justos del Congreso

“Los votantes de Ohio han esperado demasiado tiempo para que haya distritos electorales justos. Todos merecemos participar en elecciones significativas, por eso casi el 751% de los votantes de Ohio aprobaron incluir reglas claras que prohíban la manipulación partidista de los distritos electorales en la Constitución de Ohio. Nos complace que la Corte Suprema de Ohio esté de acuerdo”.

Today, in a 4-3 decision, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that the gerrymandered congressional districts are invalid. The Ohio Supreme Court also identified inappropriate splits: "We also hold that the plan unduly splits Hamilton, Cuyahoga, and Summit Counties in violation of Section 1(C)(3)(b).” The state legislature has 30 days to redraw the districts. If the state legislature is unsuccessful, the Ohio Redistricting Commission has an additional 30 days to finalize the maps.  

The following is a statement from Common Cause Ohio Executive Director Catherine Turcer: 

“Ohio voters have been waiting too long for fair districts. We all deserve to participate in meaningful elections, which is why nearly 75% of Ohio voters approved putting clear rules prohibiting partisan gerrymandering in the Ohio Constitution.  We are glad the Ohio Supreme Court agrees.  

It is time for the state legislature to put aside partisan interests and prioritize the needs of Ohio voters. 

It is time for legislative leaders to put aside their personal partisan interests and create truly fair and representative maps that reflect Ohio.

The manipulation of districts is the manipulation of elections and voters have had enough.   

We expect legislative leaders to learn from their mistakes and finally listen to the people’s call for fair maps. 

Although time is short, we expect significant opportunities for public input and that mapmaking this time will be conducted with full transparency.  

Ohioans from all corners of our state fought for years for a redistricting process that was fair, transparent, and placed their needs above those of partisan politicians. This is the Ohio General Assembly’s chance to meet their constitutional obligations and make good on the reforms that Ohio voters overwhelmingly expected to be implemented.” 



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