
Article de blog

Lancement de la collecte de signatures pour l'amendement « Citoyens, pas politiciens »

Thanks for your interest in circulating petitions with Fair Districts (Common Cause Ohio and League of Women Voters and more) to get the Citoyens, pas politiciens amendment on the ballot. Here are the steps to get you started. 

First, inscrivez-vous comme bénévole. Once you are signed up we will forward your info to local leaders who will reach out with information about how to get booklets and get started. If you have already signed up, thank you! If you don’t hear from a local leader right away, email us at to let us know, or Cliquez sur cette carte to find petition distribution points and contact information for local leaders near you. 

Second, get trained! Sign up for any of the following trainings, or look for later dates at

You can also simply listen to this recording, look at these diapositives, and take the quiz sur le diffuseur de pétitions.  

Voici quelques ressources supplémentaires qui pourraient être utiles :

Si vous ne faites que collecter des signatures, un formulaire 15 pour le secrétaire d'État de l'Ohio n'est pas nécessaire, mais si vous aidez d'une autre manière, veuillez contacter Trevor Martin ( 

Once again, thank you for joining the Fair Districts/Citizens Not Politicians signature collection effort — we’re so glad to have you on board!  



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