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Fair Districts September All Volunteer Huddle Follow Up

Thank you to those of you who were able to join us for this month’s Fair Districts Huddle. We had a fast-paced meeting to catch everyone up both on the current maps and the Ohio Redistricting Commission meeting AND on the plans for the next round of redistricting reform. 

Cliquez ici for the recording and Cliquez ici for the slides. 

More than a year after being ordered to draw new legislative maps, the Ohio Redistricting Commission finally reconvened yesterday, only to gavel out immediately after swearing in. They accomplished literally nothing because majority Ohio House and Senate leaders are jostling over who the co-chairs of the Commission should be. Another meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 15 at 8 am, but it may be canceled if the arm wrestling over leadership continues. Updates will be available at

  • Cliquez ici for some photos from our Solidarity Walk for Fair Maps.
  • Cliquez ici for some Ohio House and Senate maps created by citizens and those crafted by the independent mapmakers. 

Here are a few articles about the Ohio Redistricting Commission: 

Yesterday’s pathetic performance by the current Ohio Redistricting Commission did serve one important purpose: it re-emphasized the importance of removing politicians completely from the redistricting process. We spent most of the Huddle last night going over the top lines of the exciting and thoughtful Citoyens, pas politiciens policy that would create a Citizens Redistricting Commission for Ohio. You can read the language of the petition for yourself ICI

Over the past year, we have learned a lot about citizens redistricting commissions during our Huddle meetings. Here are the recordings of interviews with:

We are just beginning the citizen initiative process. It’s a long road, but, with your help and the help of every Ohioan who cares about fair elections and a functional democracy, we will achieve fair maps and fair elections for Ohio!

You are invited to join us for: 

Here are a few articles about Citizens Not Politicians:

Please stay tuned for updates from Fair Districts and all our partner organizations.



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