
Communiqué de presse

Common Cause Ohio publie une déclaration après l'annulation de l'arrêt Roe v. Wade

Statement from Catherine Turcer, Common Cause Ohio Executive Director

Today’s opinion overturning Roe v. Wade has stripped away the fundamental rights of millions and has taken our country backwards on reproductive freedom. Not only that, but the ruling also has profound implications for personal life decisions, leaving the rights of every American in the balance. From voting rights to the rights of people of color and the LGBTQ community, this decision has shown that extreme ideology has taken priority over policies the majority of Americans consistently favor.

Additionally, this ruling continues to highlight the deep-rooted issues of the US Supreme Court, which holds six members who were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote. Citizens United opened the door to dark money which played a major role in the confirmation process. Special interests have been allowed to use the Supreme Court to foster their extremist, unpopular ideals. Today’s ruling has showcased the Supreme Court as a weapon for their agenda, while fostering deep mistrust of our judicial system. It also exhibits the weak spots in our political system — such as the unrepresentative tilt of the U.S. Senate that allows rural and white voters to have a disproportionate say in who receives a lifetime role on the Court.

This isn’t the end. In Ohio, extreme partisan politicians are already filing “heartbeat bill” legislation. Justice Clarence Thomas has written in his concurring opinion that that the Supreme Court should reconsider Griswold, Lawrence et Obergefell — rulings that protect contraception, same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage.

Even though this decision is a body blow to our rights and freedoms, and it feels like those hits just keep coming, we must keep fighting.

It is important to take the time to process the pain, fear and anger felt by this decision. Nevertheless, for those of us able, we must continue to do the work necessary to preserve the rights for all. And that involves voting in every election and being informed about which candidates truly believe in protecting our voice and rights. We must also continue to fight to make elections as transparent as possible. All of us should be able to “follow the money.”




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