

2019 Goals and Priorities

Here are our top three priorities to start out 2019! We will build from these throughout the year.

Common Cause Ohio is looking forward to a busy 2019. With the help of our army of committed volunteers and grassroots activists, we plan to push forward on numerous important democracy reforms. Our top priorities to begin the year are as follows:

  1. Re-establishing Early Vote hours across the state. The previous Early Vote hours and rules were established through a court order that expired at the end of 2018. While Ohio’s new Secretary of State Frank LaRose has indicated strong support for Early Vote, it is important that robust and convenient hours are established.

  2. Protecting direct democracy and access to the ballot. In December 2018, Common Cause Ohio and our allies pushed back against HJR19, a joint resolution that, if passed, would have made it almost impossible for citizen initiatives to succeed. We need to be alert to other legislative attacks.

  3. Encouraging legislative leaders to live stream and archive videos of Ohio House and Senate committee hearings. Although Speaker Householder has committed to this much-needed improvement, the cameras have not yet been turned on in the Ohio House Committee rooms. This type of access was not established in a bill creating the rules for the Ohio House for the duration of the 133rd General Assembly, and so further pressure will be needed.


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