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Common Cause Ohio, 가계부패 재판 앞두고 로비 활동 투명성 및 책임성 요구

오하이오주 콜럼버스 — 전 오하이오 주 하원의장 래리 하우스홀더의 공갈 재판 첫날, Common Cause Ohio는 이런 종류의 부패가 다시 일어나지 않도록 하는 데 필요한 개혁을 제시한 하원 법안 6호 스캔들에 대한 개요를 공개했습니다.

콜럼버스, 오하이오 — On the first day of former Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder’s racketeering trial, Common Cause Ohio is releasing an overview of the House Bill 6 scandal that lays out the reforms needed to make sure this kind of corruption cannot happen again.

Common Cause Ohio’s recommendations to reform the current system include:

  • Requiring greater campaign finance disclosure to “shine a light on dark money;”
  • Giving the public access to records at Ohio’s bill-writing agency;
  • Requiring Public Utilities Commision of Ohio (PUCO) members and the panel that nominates them to be conflict free; and
  • Establishing greater transparency in lobbying.

“The time for Ohio to shine a light on dark money groups and bring transparency to lobbying is today,” 말했다 캐서린 터서, Common Cause Ohio의 대표 이사. “Otherwise, the cycle of corruption in our state will continue and Ohioans will continue to suffer the consequences. We must hold our leaders accountable, beginning with Larry Householder.’’ 

Householder and former Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges are accused of participating in a $60 million scheme 에게: 

  • 공익사업에 종사하는 주택 소유자를 의장으로 임명합니다.
  • push passage of House Bill 6 (HB6) — a ratepayer-funded bailout of two nuclear power plants owned by a FirstEnergy subsidiary and two aging coal plants, and; 
  • kill an effort by voters to overturn the bailout law.

Dark money groups were used to mask the source of funding. Additionally, Householder is accused of receiving more than $500,000 for his personal benefit. FirstEnergy, the source of much of the money involved, admitted its role and was fined $230 million in a 2021 deferred prosecution agreement. 

Householder is currently charged with racketeering involving bribery and money laundering and could face up to 20 years in jail if convicted. 

“While the Householder scandal has been made public for three years, no legislation has been passed to end this cycle of corruption,” said Turcer. “It’s time for state legislators to take action.”

This month, Common Cause Ohio launched a 웹사이트 detailing the Householder/HB6 scandal. The site gives Ohioans the full scope of HB6, the Householder trial, the non-stop corruption within Ohio, and our fight for transparency in government.



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