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오하이오 유권자, 법정에서 승소: 의회 지도가 무효화되다

Today, a federal district court struck down Ohio’s congressional map as an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander. You can read the opinion 여기.

Common Cause Ohio Executive Director Catherine Turcer issued the following statement:

“Today’s decision is a victory for Ohio voters. For far too long partisan gerrymandering has plagued our politics, divided our communities, and weakened the power of the people’s voice and vote in government. That’s why twice in the last four years Ohio voters have overwhelming supported bipartisan ballot initiatives to significantly reform the state’s congressional and legislative redistricting process.

Common Cause Ohio thanks the plaintiffs and legal team who brought this case, including the ACLU of Ohio, the League of Women Voters of Ohio, and the A. Phillip Randolph Institute. We hope the U.S. Supreme Court will uphold today’s decision in this case, along with a series of other decisions in lawsuits challenging partisan gerrymandering across the country, including Rucho v. Common Cause out of a North Carolina where an opinion is expected in June.

We look forward to working with Ohio legislators, community groups, and our grassroots membership to ensure the 2021 redistricting process is fair, transparent, and works in the interest of all Ohioans.”


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