
블로그 게시물

공정 지구 리소스

Updated 5/9/2024

Thanks for joining one of our petition circulator or other trainings.

If you are looking to collect signature, please make sure you have signed up to volunteer. Once you are signed up we will forward your info to local leaders who will reach out with information about how to get booklets and get started. If you have already signed up, thank you! Feel free to email us if you have not yet heard from any area leaders, or click on this map to find petition distribution points and contact information for local leaders.

Here are some additional resources that may be useful:

*** Find places to sign the petition at mobilize.us/citizensnotpoliticians/ ***

If you are only collecting signatures, a Form 15 for the Ohio Secretary of State isn’t necessary, but if you are helping out in other ways, please reach out to Trevor Martin (tmartin@lwvohio.org). 

If you know others who are interested in getting trained to circulate petitions, here are our upcoming training dates: 

Would you like to be part of the Fair Districts Speakers Bureau? Please fill out this brief form.

Request a speaker from our Fair Districts Speakers Bureau 여기.

Thank you for being part of the Fair Districts signature collection team!


  • 닫다

    안녕하세요! {state}에서 합류하시는 것 같습니다.

    귀하의 주에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 보고 싶으신가요?

    Common Cause {state}로 가세요