
블로그 게시물

오하이오의 최신 소식 – 2월이 왔습니다!

We’ve put together some timely updates below on the Primary in March, ways to get involved in our redistricting reform effort, and our upcoming “Coffee with Common Cause” for members and friends.

February’s Coffee with Common Cause

Please join me for a virtual meetup on Thursday, February 8 at 8:30 am. Grab some coffee or some tea and let’s discuss what’s happening in Ohio. Do you have questions about gerrymandering? Do you wonder how to get more involved? Do you want to learn more about fighting election disinformation, election laws being proposed at the Ohio Statehouse, campaign finance reform and more? This informal discussion is for you! 

Register for Coffee Time

재분할 업데이트

There’s a new redistricting reform effort in town, and Common Cause is at its core! Over the last six weeks, the Fair Districts Coalition has been focused on training volunteers and getting them ready to go out and collect signatures to get the 정치인이 아닌 시민 amendment on the ballot this November. The amendment will take mapmaking away from elected officials and give it to an independent citizens redistricting commission similar to those used in Arizona, California, Colorado, and our neighbor Michigan. Read 청원서  그리고 우리의 수정 FAQ, 우리의 일에 동참해 보는 것을 고려해 보세요.

We’ve trained over 1,500 redistricting reformers to circulate petition booklets; teams of volunteers are already out gathering signatures all over the state! It’s inspiring to see so many Ohioans, armed with their clipboards and pens, fighting gerrymandering and working to repair our democracy. We’d love to have you join the Fair Districts team!

Ways to Help Get Fair Districts:

자원봉사에 등록하세요

Ohio Primary Election — March 19

The March election is right around the corner. In addition to the presidential primary, there will also be a U.S. Senate primary race and local candidates and ballot issues across the state.

Important dates:

  • February 20: Voter registration deadline
  • February 21: First day of Early Vote 
  • March 12: Last day to request an absentee ballot
  • 3월 17일: 사전 투표 마지막 날
  • March 18: Deadline to postmark absentee ballot. NO EARLY IN PERSON VOTING 
  • March 19: Election Day – polls open 6:30am-7:30pm

You can share VoteOhio.gov with your family and friends—it’s a one-stop shop to register to vote, 부재자 투표를 요청하다, find the full voting schedule, 그리고 더 많은 것들.

You can also sign up to be a poll worker in your county. Election officials are the backbone of our elections and help ensure voters can cast their ballot. Be a democracy hero! Sign up to be a poll worker today.

Common Cause Ohio will continue our work with 선거 보호, the nation’s largest voter protection coalition, equipping volunteers with the tools and resources they need to help monitor the polls, answer voter questions, and circulate truthful election messaging on social media. Please share 866-OUR-VOTE, the nonpartisan voter support hotline, with friends and neighbors.

Sign up to volunteer with Election Protection

We appreciate your commitment to strengthening democracy and to Common Cause Ohio. Keep an eye on our 이벤트 페이지 for upcoming trainings and meetings. Your support helps us advocate for safe, fair elections and accountable government. Please contact kdufour@commoncause.org with any questions or comments.

Please Consider Making a Donation Today


  • 닫다

    안녕하세요! {state}에서 합류하시는 것 같습니다.

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