
보도 자료

오하이오 주민은 투표권 행사에 관한 모든 문제에 대해 866-OUR-VOTE 핫라인으로 전화할 수 있습니다.

콜럼버스, 오하이오주 — Common Cause Ohio는 오하이오 주민들에게 11월 8일 화요일 선거일에 투표용지를 넣는 데 질문이 있거나 어려움이 있을 경우 무소속 선거 보호 핫라인 866-OUR-VOTE를 이용하라고 상기시킵니다. 유권자들은 핫라인에 전화하거나 문자를 보내면 대기 중인 자원봉사자에게 연락하여 도움을 받을 수 있습니다.

콜럼버스, 오하이오 — Common Cause Ohio reminds Ohioans to use the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline, 866-우리의-투표, if they have any questions or encounter any challenges with casting a ballot on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8. Voters can call or text the hotline to connect with volunteers standing by to help. 

The hotline features trained volunteers who answer questions ranging from registration and ballot deadlines, to voting in-person and voter requirements. Voters can also report any problems at polling locations or any problems casting a ballot.

Voters have the following hotlines available to them:

  • 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) – English
  • 888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682) – Spanish
  • 844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287) – Arabic
  • 888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) – Bengali, Cantonese, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, Urdu and Vietnamese 

“It is crucial that Ohio voters have the tools they need to exercise their fundamental rights,” said 캐서린 터서, Common Cause Ohio의 전무이사.If anyone has a question about voting or runs into a problem, we strongly encourage them to call our nonpartisan 866-OUR-VOTE hotline, or look around for one of our volunteer poll monitors wearing the purple t-shirts.”

Additionally, Election Protection monitors social media for mis- and disinformation and organizes nonpartisan field volunteers, led by Common Cause Ohio and our Ohio Voter Rights Coalition partners. 

Ohioans are also reminded that they can volunteer with this program to assist in voter education, advocacy, poll monitoring, or rapid response litigation.

“Democracy works when we do,” 터서 said. “And we must do the work to make sure it fires on all cylinders.” 

Voters can sign up to volunteer online and/or attend the next training.



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