

We are building a strong democracy with commonsense solutions that put everyday Americans before big money donors.

We are building a democracy that works for all of us.

A democracy where everyone has an equal voice and our elected officials are held accountable to our needs.

Americans know that money has too much influence in our political system. That’s why we advocate for money in politics solutions that empower small-dollar donors to make an impact in campaignsrequire disclosure of all campaign money raised and spent, remove the financial barriers stopping everyday people from running for office, and hold elected officials and wealthy special interests accountable to voters.

Zelfs met de beslissing van het Amerikaanse Hooggerechtshof in Burgers United tegen FEC, states and cities across the country are proving that we can reform and improve our campaign finance system with laws that amplify the voices of everyday Americansrequire strong disclosure, En make sure everyone plays by the same commonsense rules.

For nearly 50 years, Common Cause has been at the forefront of the movement to rein in the power of big money in politics. From the days of Watergate to our current state and local campaigns, our work to reform the system has always been about making sure there is accountability in our politics and everyone has a voice and say in government.

Uw financiële steun helpt ons om een impact te maken door de macht ter verantwoording roepen en het versterken van de democratie.


Our Experts

Jay Young

Jay Young

Executive Director

Common Cause Illinois



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