

Common Cause publiceert “Democracy Scorecard” voor 2022, waaruit blijkt dat de steun in het Congres groeit voor hervormingen die de democratie ondersteunen

COLUMBUS, OH — Terwijl kiezers de prestaties van hun congresleden evalueren, publiceerde Common Cause zijn "Democracy Scorecard" van 2022, een volgbron met de standpunten van alle congresleden over hervorming van campagnefinanciering, ethiek en transparantie, en wetgeving inzake stemrecht. De vierde tweejaarlijkse scorecard is opgesteld om kiezers te helpen hun leiders in het 117e congres verantwoordelijk te houden voor het aannemen van wetgeving met gezond verstand die onze democratie behoudt en versterkt.

COLUMBUS, OH — As constituents evaluate the performance of their members of Congress, Common Cause released its 2022 “Democracy Scorecard,” a tracking resource with the positions of all members of Congress on campaign finance reform, ethics and transparency, and voting rights legislation. The fourth biennial scorecard is produced to help constituents hold their leaders in the 117th Congress accountable for passing common-sense legislation that preserves and strengthens our democracy.  

“Our Democracy Scorecard empowers constituents with information on where our members of Congress stand on the people’s pro-democracy agenda,” said Karen Hobert Flynn, President of Common Cause. “Support in Congress for democracy reform legislation increased significantly from 2020, when 58 members of Congress had perfect scores compared to 101 this year. It’s further proof of the growing momentum for improving our government.” 

The 2022 Democracy Scorecard assesses U.S. Senators’ votes on and co-sponsorship of 15 pieces of legislation and other actions, including confirming Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court, a nonpartisan investigation into the January 6 attack on our country, the DISCLOSE Act, and reforming the filibuster to pass voting rights. 

“Absent the Jim Crow filibuster, reforms that expand the freedom to vote, reduce the influence of big money in our politics, protect our elections from racial discrimination, and curb partisan gerrymandering would be the law of the land today,” Flynn said. “If we don’t move forward on this legislation after an insurrection, then when?”  

The 2022 Democracy Scorecard graded U.S. Representatives’ votes on and co-sponsorship of 18 pieces of legislation, including the impeachment of Donald Trump, the creation of the nonpartisan January 6 Select Committee, the Protecting our Democracy Act, and the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. 

“Our democracy is strongest when constituents are informed about the job our elected leaders are doing in Washington,” said Catherine Turcer, Common Cause Ohio Executive Director.

“Two of 18 members of Congress representing Ohio earned a perfect score on this year’s Democracy Scorecard, Reps. Joyce Beatty and Marcy Kaptur. Senator Sherrod Brown received a 13/15. After the attack on January 6, there is no greater democracy reform priority for Congress than ensuring the freedom to vote is protected and strengthened by passing comprehensive voting rights legislation.”

Below are highlights from the 2022 Democracy Scorecard: 

  • 101 members of Congress had a perfect score this year, a more than 70% increase over the number of members of Congress who had perfect scores (58) in 2020
  • California has the highest number of members of Congress (19) with perfect scores  
  • Vermont is the only state with every member of its delegation (3) earning a perfect score 
  • Seven states have both U.S. Senators earning a perfect score: Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, and Vermont 

Over the last six months, Common Cause sent four letters to the offices of every member of Congress, informing them of the Democracy Scorecard and the legislation included in this report. Since the initial letter was sent, legislation we included directly added more than 250 cumulative cosponsors as a result of our Scorecard.  

Common Cause is a nonpartisan organization and does not endorse or oppose candidates for elected office. (Note: Because Reps. Shontel Brown and Mike Carey have been in office for less than a year, we did not score them and other Members who were in office for less than half this session.)


To view the 2022 Democracy Scorecard, click hier.



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