
Comunicat de presă

Scrisoare către secretarul de stat din Ohio Îmbunătățiri RE pentru procesul de solicitare pentru absent

Având în vedere că COVID-19 este o amenințare serioasă pentru atât de mulți cetățeni din Ohio, este extrem de important în acest an
maximizarea numărului de alegători care aleg să voteze absenți. Comitetul Director al Coaliției pentru Drepturile Alegătorilor din Ohio a trimis o scrisoare secretarului LaRose cu câteva sugestii urgente și concrete despre cum se poate realiza acest lucru.

Increasing the number of Ohioans who opt to vote absentee will help keep ALL voters safe. More absentee voters means a reduced likelihood of unsafe crowding and lines on Election Day.

With this in mind, the Ohio Voter Rights Coalition Steering Committee sent a letter to the Secretary of State outlining several ways the absentee ballot request process can immediately be improved. Of course the most obvious way to improve the process is to allow online absentee applications via Senate Bill 191. While continuing to push the Ohio legislature to pass the appropriate legislation, we offered the Secretary suggestions:

  • Create simplified, user-friendly web pages for Ohio absentee ballot requests
  • Maintain stable links to information about ways to apply for an absentee ballot
  • Create a statewide phone number where voters can request an absentee ballot application as well as a statewide online absentee application request option
  • Implement a statewide ballot tracking system that is easier for voters to find and use
  • Seek out and use advice from voter advocates on public education and communications needs and materials

View the steering committee’s letter la acest link.



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