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Kenny Colston

Regional Communications Strategist (Midwest)

Catherine Turcer

Common Cause Ohio Executive Director


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85 Results


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Oamenii din Ohio pot apela la linia fierbinte de asistență pentru vot: 866-OUR-VOTE

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Oamenii din Ohio pot apela la linia fierbinte de asistență pentru vot: 866-OUR-VOTE

Cauza comună Ohio le reamintește cetățenilor din Ohio că mâine, 7 noiembrie, este ziua alegerilor, iar sprijinul pentru vot nepartizan este disponibil prin Linia fierbinte pentru protecția electorală din Ohio, 866-OUR-VOTE.

Ohio Democracy Advocates Win Latest Victory in Battle for Citizens Redistricting Commission

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Ohio Democracy Advocates Win Latest Victory in Battle for Citizens Redistricting Commission

COLUMBUS, OH — Today, the Ohio Ballot Board determined that the Citizens Not Politicians proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution is a single subject. This step enables the campaign to begin collecting the required 413,487 signatures from Ohio voters that will place the issue on the November 2024 ballot. 

50 State Report: Ohio Earns Failing Grade for Redistricting from Common Cause

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50 State Report: Ohio Earns Failing Grade for Redistricting from Common Cause

COLUMBUS OH — Today, Common Cause, the leading anti-gerrymandering group, published a report grading the redistricting process in all 50 states from the view of the community. The comprehensive report evaluates public access, outreach, and education in each state based on an analysis of more than 120 detailed surveys and more than 60 interviews. 

Ohio One Step Closer to a Citizens Redistricting Commission

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Ohio One Step Closer to a Citizens Redistricting Commission

COLUMBUS, OH — Today, Common Cause Ohio is pleased to note Attorney General Yost’s acceptance of the summary language for the Citizens Not Politicians proposed constitutional amendment to create a citizen-led, independent redistricting commission (IRC) in Ohio.

20-Year Sentencing of Householder Provides Real Consequences RE: Pay-to-Play in Ohio

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20-Year Sentencing of Householder Provides Real Consequences RE: Pay-to-Play in Ohio

"This sentencing has significant implications, both in the Buckeye State and across the country. By holding Householder accountable, it sends a message to fellow legislators and other public officials that, not only is pay-to-play wrong and illegal, there can be real consequences."

Ohio House Passes SJR2, Targets Citizen-led Ballot Initiatives

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Ohio House Passes SJR2, Targets Citizen-led Ballot Initiatives

COLUMBUS, OH — In a 62-37 vote, the Ohio House passed SJR2 — a resolution that seeks to increase the ballot threshold for amending the constitution from a simple majority to 60% — directly attacking Ohio’s tradition of direct access to the ballot through citizen-led initiatives. The resolution was amended to add in an August special election, resulting in the vote on the issue occurring Aug. 8.

227 Ohio-based Organizations Denied Opportunity to Voice Opposition of Minority Rule Bill

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227 Ohio-based Organizations Denied Opportunity to Voice Opposition of Minority Rule Bill

COLUMBUS, OH — In a narrow 7-6 vote, the Ohio House Constitutional Resolutions Committee passed a resolution allowing HJR 1 — a bill that seeks to increase the ballot threshold for amending the constitution from a simple majority to 60% — to a floor vote.

Common Cause Ohio Statement in Reaction to Corruption Trial Verdict

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Common Cause Ohio Statement in Reaction to Corruption Trial Verdict

"Ohioans can rest easy tonight knowing that, at long last, someone will be held accountable for the massive public corruption that was the whole House Bill 6 scandal from beginning to end."

New Project Launches Ahead of Groundhog Day to Educate Ohioans on “Ohio’s History of Corruption”

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New Project Launches Ahead of Groundhog Day to Educate Ohioans on “Ohio’s History of Corruption”

COLUMBUS, OH — Today, Common Cause Ohio shares a snapshot of Ohio’s history of corruption as part of its ongoing campaign to educate Ohioans on the Householder/House Bill 6 racketeering trial and the reforms needed for greater transparency in government.



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