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Vote-by-Mail in Ohio: Planning for November

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Vote-by-Mail in Ohio: Planning for November

A follow up to our 5/6 Webinar on Vote-By-Mail, with answers to more of your questions.

COVID-19: How to Protect Our Elections, and Our Democracy

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COVID-19: How to Protect Our Elections, and Our Democracy

COVID-19 pandemic brought a last minute postponement of Ohio's in-person primary election. Here's information on how you can still participate, and on how what we need to do to safeguard our elections -- and other aspects of our democracy -- going forward.

Ohio Primary Election Voters: Apply for your Vote-By-Mail ballot today

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Ohio Primary Election Voters: Apply for your Vote-By-Mail ballot today

You still have time to vote in the Presidential Primary, but don't wait until the last minute to apply for your vote-by-mail ballot! Here is all the information you need.

Ohio’s 3/17/2020 Presidential Primary Election Postponed

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Ohio’s 3/17/2020 Presidential Primary Election Postponed

Ohio's 3/17 primary election has been postponed. Common Cause Ohio will continue to give you accurate information and advocate for voters as this situation unfolds.

Rucho v. Common Cause is over. Now what?

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Rucho v. Common Cause is over. Now what?

Some of us have been wondering what legal standards still apply following the SCOTUS failure to act on partisan gerrymandering in Rucho v. Common Cause and Lamone v. Benisek. Fortunately, Common Cause's Dan Vicuña put together some information for us!

Take the Pledge to End Gerrymandering

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Take the Pledge to End Gerrymandering

Now that the United States Supreme Court has taken itself out of the fight against gerrymandering, the spotlight returns to the states. Ohio has already passed redistricting reform, but we still need to put pressure on lawmakers to draw #FairMaps! Tell your legislators to Take the Pledge to End Gerrymandering!

Sec. LaRose Forms Working Group to Modernize Voter Registration in Ohio

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Sec. LaRose Forms Working Group to Modernize Voter Registration in Ohio

Secretary of State Frank LaRose has announced the formation of a bipartisan working group to examine ways to modernize voter registration--a first step towards implementing an Ohio version of automatic (or automated) voter registration (AVR). Automated Voter Registration saves time, it saves money, it increases the accuracy and security of voter lists, and--most important of all--it is a highly effective way to bring more people into our democracy.

Redistricting Court Cases and a Road Trip to DC!

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Redistricting Court Cases and a Road Trip to DC!

There’s a lot going on nationally and in Ohio with democracy reforms, and redistricting specifically. Here’s a quick update, and an invitation.



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