

Жителі Огайо заслуговують на більшу прозорість від PUCO

In a letter sent today to the members of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO), Common Cause Ohio urged the commissioners to voluntarily update their financial disclosure statements to include all work done with utilities, their consultants, and lobbyists over the last decade, including the nature of the work performed and any compensation they received for such work.

“Without the FBI’s use of subpoenas and wiretaps, it is doubtful that Ohioans would know the extent of the flaws in our state’s system of regulating utilities or the depth of the corruption surrounding it,” сказала Кетрін Турсер, виконавчий директор Common Cause Ohio. “The PUCO’s mission is too important to rely on the FBI to shine the light on how it conducts the peoples’ business. More disclosure is clearly needed, and now.”

Common Cause Ohio has been working with allies to craft a package of suggested reforms, but recent developments convinced us to demand that the four remaining PUCO commissioners voluntarily, and immediately,  disclose past and present work for the industry they regulate. 

Click here to read the letter that Common Cause Ohio sent to the Commissioners.


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