

FBI 调查导致公用事业监管高层辞职,更多人被捕

COLUMBUS – Following an FBI raid and news reports suggesting he received $4 million from one of the nation’s largest electric utilities, Sam Randazzo resigned as chair of the panel that regulates Ohio utilities. His resignation came one day after a third Cincinnati City Council member was arrested for bribery as part of a massive federal probe into corruption.

Common Cause Ohio is convening the second of two Zoom panels that feature nationally acclaimed experts discussing the on-going investigations and offering advice on how to improve government ethics and accountability.

俄亥俄州人被邀请参加 民主蓝图:我们如何才能不再受欺骗 .  

什么: 俄亥俄州公共事业委员会 (PUCO) 游说和道德改革及重组专家小组 

什么时候: November 23; 7:00 pm ET

在哪里: 11 月 23 日蓝图会议的回复




凯德里克·佩恩 (Kedric Payne) 是政府道德、游说改革和选举法方面的专家,并曾担任美国能源部副总法律顾问,就行政部门道德问题提供咨询。


加强俄亥俄州公共事业委员会 (PUCO):

As a professor of economic development and a long-time student of Ohio’s ethical lapses, Prof. Ned Hill has watched the PUCO embrace laws and policies that hurt Ohio’s business climate and its citizens.


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