


6 月,俄亥俄州众议院举行听证会,呼吁召开州立宪法会议,以推进极端主义议程。这对俄亥俄州来说是一个危险且不必要的方向,也是对我们民主的重大威胁。一群极右翼思想家正在推动从根本上改写美国宪法。众议院联合决议 3 呼吁召开第五条会议,众议院法案 607 将创建一个任命会议代表的立法程序。如果……

In June, the Ohio House held hearings to advance extremist agendas by calling for a Constitutional Convention of States. This is a dangerous and unnecessary direction for Ohio and a major threat to our democracy.

A fringe group of right-wing ideologues is pushing to fundamentally rewrite the United States Constitution. 众议院联合决议 3 calls for an Article V convention, and 众议院第 607 号法案 would create a legislative process to appoint convention delegates.

If a Convention were convened, unelected and unaccountable delegates would have the power to rewrite our Constitution with no checks or balances. This is an unprecedented and risky endeavor that puts our democratic principles at grave risk.

Tell Speaker Stephens and your Ohio House Representative to stop extremist threats of Article V today. Click “start writing” to compose your message.


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