


Where are we at with the Citizens Not Politicians citizens initiative to ban gerrymandering?

In other words, we’re ready to roll! 

We are so excited that it is time to pick up our clipboards and get started collecting signatures for the Citizens Not Politicians amendment! Together, we can end gerrymandering once and for all by taking the mapmaking out of the hands of elected officials. 

Ohio politicians have proven beyond all doubt that they cannot be trusted to draw fair districts that keep communities together and leave behind partisanship and self interest. That’s why we’re all in with the Citizens Not Politicians effort to establish a truly independent citizens redistricting commission and eager to begin the work. We’re pleased to be able to invite you to SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER

We are expecting petition booklets to arrive sometime soon and to be able to begin collecting signatures towards the end of early vote. Once you sign up, you will be contacted with information about logistics. 

Volunteers collecting signatures are so important! Every conversation with a voter is an opportunity to educate, engage, and build the path toward fair districts, fair elections, and more accountable representation. 


If you have not yet participated in a Fair Districts petition circulation training, here are some upcoming dates with registration links:

  • Thurs., Oct 26 at noon, register 这里.
  • Wed., Nov 1 @ noon, register 这里.
  • Thurs., Nov 2 @ 7pm, register 这里.
  • Wed., Nov 8 @ 6pm Huddle , register 这里.
  • Tues., Nov 14 @ noon, register 这里.
  • Tues., Nov 21 @ noon, register 这里.
  • Thurs., Nov 30 @ 6pm, register 这里.

Let us know if you have any questions. You can contact us at fairdistrictsohio2021@gmail.com.  


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