


Thank you to those who joined us for our first petition circulator training for the Citizens Not Politicians signature collecting initiative. We are so glad to have you on the team. 

Here are 幻灯片 from the training. You can also read the contents of this email online.

If you haven’t done so, Sign Up to Volunteer. This helps us send you important information and find the volunteer role that’s right for you.

Fair Districts is just getting started to organize and will be collecting signatures until June 2024. 

  • Immediate goal: Collect signatures towards the end of Early Vote and on Election Day
  • Long-term goal: 200,000+ signatures collected by volunteers
  • Volunteers signatures save money, are more likely to be valid, and will more likely result in yes votes on the issue in 2024.
  • You are a critical part of this effort!

The structure for volunteer engagement is still being built. Please be a little patient while we get organized, but rest assured that you will be contacted by someone shortly with logistical information 

Important Resources

Next Steps

  1. Important, if you haven’t yet 报名 so you can stay connected with our coalition.
  2. Share additional training dates with friends and neighbors.
    • Oct 26 @ noon, register 这里.
    • Nov 1 @ noon, register 这里
    • Nov 2 @ 7pm, register 这里
    • Nov 8 @ 6pm November Fair District Huddle, register 这里.  
    • Nov 14 @ noon, register 这里
    • Nov 21 @ noon, register 这里
    • Nov 30 @ 6pm, register 这里
  3. Watch your inbox for more information from us and your regional organizer.
  4. Follow the campaign on social media at CitizensNotPoliticians (@CitizenMapsOH) / XCitizens Not Politicians (@citizensnotpoliticians) on Instagram.

Please note, if you have signed up to volunteer, we will also make sure you’re added to the Fair Districts monthly information emails.

As always, thanks for all you do,

Common Cause Ohio, League of Women Voters of Ohio, and Fair Districts Ohio

Questions – contact Fair Districts at fairdistrictsohio2021@gmail.com


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