


查看并比较俄亥俄州选区重划委员会最终采用的众议院和参议院地图(Cupp 计划)以及独立制图师制定的众议院和参议院地图。

On Monday evening, 3/28/22, the Ohio Redistricting Commission elected to toss the work of the two independent mapping experts they had hired, and instead substitute in a set of maps virtually identical to those that were most recently struck down by the Ohio Supreme Court. Those completely illegitimate “parachute” maps were voted on and officially adopted along party lines (with Auditor Faber abstaining). Read the Statement from Common Cause Ohio about the process and outcome. Compare the officially adopted maps below with the work of the independent mappers.

Speaker Cupp/Commission Passed 3/28 House:

Link to the map in Dave’s Redistricting App. Learn how to Zoom in to see your neighborhood 这里.

Speaker Cupp/Commission Passed 3/28 Senate:

Link to the map in Dave’s Redistricting App. Learn how to Zoom in to see your neighborhood 这里.


Johnson/McDonald Independent Plan 3/28 Final House:

Link to the map in Dave’s Redistricting App. Learn how to Zoom in to see your neighborhood 这里.

Johnson/McDonald Independent Plan 3/28 Final Senate:

Link to the map in Dave’s Redistricting App. Learn how to Zoom in to see your neighborhood 这里.

Compare House Maps


Compare Senate Maps


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