
Notre impact

Together, we take on the tough challenges – standing up to bullies and fascists, defending our elections, protecting voting rights, exposing and limiting big money’s grip, demanding ethical government… and ultimately advancing the full unrealized potential of a democracy that works for all of us.

The Power of Working Together

Standing Up Against Anti-Democracy Forces

Oregon is not immune to the resurgent radical movement that’s working to undermine our elections and democracy.

But Common Cause Oregon gives us power to respond. It’s our collective watchdog and first responder. For over half a century, this organization has empowered us to monitor state and local government, to organize, speak out, and champion equitable democracy.  Through Common Cause, we’re part of the nation’s largest, nonpartisan Election Protection coalition, mobilizing tens of thousands of volunteers each election to provide multi-lingual hotline support, legal assistance, and accurate voting information to voters. Recent impact includes:

  • 2024 – We continue partnering with Oregon election officials to get out accurate election information, while tracking and responding to election disinformation, as we do every election year.
  • 2023 – Passed legislation blocking radical extremist attempts to use outdated Oregon bills for an Article V rewrite of the U.S. Constitution.
  • 2022 – Achieved the highest voter participation in the nation in Oregon, thanks to reforms we’ve passed.
  • 2021 – Passed model legislation prohibiting knowingly spreading false election information.
  • 2020 – With Election Protection Coalition partners, increased tracking and response to election disinformation & sabotage.

Breaking the Grip of Big Money Influence

We’ve been leading a movement to expose and limit big money influence on democracy. Recent wins include:

  • 2024 – Passed historic Oregon legislation to limit campaign contributions (after 50 years with no state limits).
  • 2020 – Passed Ballot Measure 107, securing the necessary state constitutional authority to limit money in politics.
  • 2019 – Passed legislative referral to voters (which became M107 on the 2020 ballot) to secure state constitutional authority to limit money in politics.
  • 2018 – Achieved successful launch of Portland’s Small Dollar Elections program, and passage of contribution limits for local Portland elections.
  • 2017 – Secured funding for Portland’s new Small Dollar Elections program.
  • 2016 – Passed model campaign finance reform in Portland – A Small Dollar Match – and contribution limits for local Multnomah County elections.
  • 2010-2013 – Passed 14 local resolutions and a culminating state resolution (joining 15 other states) – calling on Congress to overturn the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling protecting money as speech and corporations as people.

Hear from Common Cause members....

Meet Bill Rodgers

When Bill joined Common Cause in 1970 – as a founding member – he had just returned from a year living abroad under an authoritarian leader. That year strengthened his commitment to our democracy.

Originally from Nebraska, Bill left home at age 17 on a full-ride scholarship to MIT, earned a doctorate in physiological psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, taught, researched, and published at the University of Michigan, and eventually retired in Oregon.

On first joining Common Cause, Bill had little money to spare, but nevertheless, he donated something every year thereafter. He also volunteered, eventually serving on the Oregon advisory board for over a decade. In early 2024, as Bill’s life drew to a close, he found that a frugal life had left him with more to give, and he seeded our 2024 Democracy Defense Fund with a million-dollar gift, encouraging fellow members to join him on the vanguard of democracy during this pivotal year.

Bill Rodgers and Loren, Jo

Join with Bill - Make an Impact

2024 Democracy Defense

Common Cause est une organisation non partisane avec des membres dans chaque district du Congrès.


Membres et sympathisants de l'Oregon

Les gens comme vous alimentent tout ce que nous faisons pour la démocratie.


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Nous faisons partie d'un mouvement puissant dans chaque État du pays


Années de victoire

Défendre et faire progresser la promesse inachevée de la démocratie

Votre soutien financier nous aide à avoir un impact en tenir le pouvoir responsable et renforcer la démocratie.

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