
Kate Titus

Executive Director

Common Cause Oregon

Phone: 503.283.1922 | Email:

Kate is executive director of Common Cause Oregon. She joined the organization in January 2013 after two decades in public policy, advocacy and community organizing positions. A long-time Oregonian, she previously served as executive director of Oregon Action, a statewide grassroots membership organization that functioned as a voice of democracy for people on the downside of power. There, she was a member of the boards of the Northwest Federation of Community Organizations and USAction, and also served on the Jobs with Justice workers’ rights board in Portland. More recently, she worked for the national Change to Win labor federation, and Public Citizen, as deputy director of their global trade watch division. Kate is a graduate of Connecticut College and holds a masters degree in public administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Democracy Lens on 2021 Oregon Legislature

Blog Post

Democracy Lens on 2021 Oregon Legislature

Here’s a quick democracy rundown on Oregon’s 2021 legislative session, including the good, the bad, and the work ahead…

People Not Politicians Revives Court Battle on Redistricting Ballot Initiative

Press Release

People Not Politicians Revives Court Battle on Redistricting Ballot Initiative

SALEM, Ore. — A coalition of good government groups today asked a federal court for a ruling that could pave the way for reasonable health and safety accommodations to gather signatures for redistricting reform during a pandemic. The People Not Politicians Oregon coalition is asking the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon to rule that Oregon violated the U.S. Constitution when it failed to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by making reasonable accommodations in its 2020 ballot initiative process.

In time for the second Super Tuesday, lessons from the first vote-by-mail state

News Clip

In time for the second Super Tuesday, lessons from the first vote-by-mail state

As executive director of Common Cause Oregon, I've been watching as many other states have struggled to hold safe and fair elections for citizens during the public health crisis. And I realize how fortunate Oregonians are to live in a state that has been voting almost entirely by mail for two decades.

Big Wins on Democracy in Oregon

Blog Post

Big Wins on Democracy in Oregon

As the Oregon Legislature wraps up it’s 2019 session, let's take stock of what we won this session. We moved forward on campaign finance reform, election security and voting rights.


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