Donate to Common Cause Oregon

Common Cause Oregon is a leader in fights that matter at the local, state, and national level. Your support powers grassroots, legal, and legislative action to stand up to special interests, hold elected officials accountable, and build a democracy that represents all of us.

Be a champion for Democracy

Other Ways To Give…

There are many ways to support Common Cause Oregon’s mission to hold power accountable. If you have questions or do not see your preferred method of giving listed, please contact Common Cause Oregon Executive Director Kate Titus at: (971) 361-4185 or and we’ll be happy to discuss your options for making a contribution.

Tax-Deductible Giving

Contributions to Common Cause Oregon or Common Cause are not tax deductible since our work includes lobbying for reform. But you can make a tax-deductible contribution to Common Cause’s affiliate, Common Cause Education Fund, a 501(c)3 charitable organization that supports our efforts to hold power accountable through civic engagement and public education. And you can designate that gift for our work in Oregon. Click here to make your tax-deductible gift >>

Give from Your Donor-Advised Fund 

Please consider making a gift to Common Cause Education Fund through your donor advised fund – and specifically designating that gift to support our work in Oregon. Questions? Email or call Rachel Queirolo, National Director of Major Gifts at or (202)-736-5773.

Retirement Account and IRA Giving

Including Common Cause Education Fund as a beneficiary of your retirement account or IRA is another simple, tax-effective way to strengthen democracy and promote good governance. And you can designate that gift for use in Oregon. Click here to learn more about retirement account and IRA giving.

Support Common Cause Oregon in your Will

Help guarantee the promise of democracy for the next generation by leaving an estate gift, such as a bequest or other planned gift. Use this FREE will writing tool to get started quickly and easily. Designate your gift to Common Cause Oregon.

Workplace Giving

Donating to Common Cause Oregon through workplace giving is convenient and impactful. It allows employees to support efforts for government accountability and democracy reforms effortlessly via payroll deductions. Matching gift programs can amplify contributions, maximizing the impact. Learn more about workplace giving here >>

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of stock and securities can be made to Common Cause and/or our affiliate Common Cause Education Fund through Wells Fargo and designated to support Common Cause Oregon. For details on gifts of stock, click here >>

Supporting Common Cause Oregon Through a Foundation

If you are affiliated with a foundation and you are interested in learning more about our impact or making a grant to Common Cause Education Fund for our work in Oregon, please contact: Common Cause Oregon Executive Director Kate Titus (at 971-361-4185 or or National Director of Foundation Relations Sam Voorhees (at 202-736-5723 or

Leadership Giving

By making a gift of $10,000 or more, you’ll be joining a group of dedicated democracy defenders throughout the country. And by designating your gift to fund our work right here in Oregon, you’ll have a sizable impact. Here in Oregon, Common Cause plays an outsized role trailblazing equitable democracy reform while also defending against national, state, and local anti-democracy threats. Questions? Please email or call: Common Cause Oregon Executive Director Kate Titus (at 971-361-4185 or or National Director of Major Gifts Rachel Queirolo (at or 202-736-5773).

Memorial & Honorary Gifts

A gift uplifting democracy in the name of your loved one is a wonderful way to show support for Common Cause’s work. If you would like to make a memorial or honorary gift, please click here or reach out to Sam Anderson-Chinnes at You can designate this money for Common Cause Oregon.

National Common Cause

For more information about giving to the national organization, contact Membership Services at: (202) 833-1200 or


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