قائمة طعام

بيان صحفي

تغيير الانتخابات التمهيدية "فوز متبادل" للناخبين في ولاية بنسلفانيا

"نحن ممتنون لمسؤولي الانتخابات لدينا على العمل الجاد الذي قاموا به لجعل هذا التحول السريع ممكنًا."
Today, the Pennsylvania Senate advanced a proposal that, if passed, will move the state’s upcoming primary election date to March 19, 2024.
The primary was previously scheduled for April 23, 2024, which conflicted with Passover.
“We’re glad that our lawmakers are making an effort to make our primary election more accessible to all voters, including our Jewish neighbors and friends. When more eligible Pennsylvanians participate in our elections, our democracy becomes stronger,” said Christina Hartman, advisory board chair for Common Cause Pennsylvania. “We hope that the House can act fast to get this passed, and we’re grateful to our election officials for doing the hard work to make this quick turnaround possible. ” 
The bill advanced by the Senate today will change the date of Pennsylvania’s presidential primary in 2024, but it will not change primary election dates in other election years. This bill will now head to the House floor. 


  • يغلق

    مرحبًا! يبدو أنك تنضم إلينا من {state}.

    هل تريد أن ترى ما يحدث في ولايتك؟

    انتقل إلى السبب المشترك {state}