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50 State Report: Pennsylvania Earns Low Grade for Redistricting from Common Cause

"We still have work to do to ensure that our next congressional redistricting cycle is cooperative and reflective of the feedback given by community leaders."

Voting & Elections 09.20.2023

Primary Election Change a “Win-Win” for Pennsylvania Voters

"We’re grateful to our election officials for doing the hard work to make this quick turnaround possible."

Voting & Elections 09.19.2023

Statement on Gov. Shapiro’s automatic voter registration changes

"Giving more Pennsylvanians a chance to have a say in the future of our families, communities, and the state of Pennsylvania is a win"

“Unity Over Politics:” Common Cause Pennsylvania Urges Lawmakers to End Budget Impasse

“Pennsylvania’s budget impasse is the result of putting politics over people."

Voting & Elections 06.29.2023

Voting Rights Watchdog on Pennsylvania Senate Failure to Vote on Schmidt Nomination

“Congratulations to Secretary Schmidt, and we look forward to working alongside you to ensure that all voters are able to safely and securely cast their ballots.”

Voting & Elections 05.11.2023

Common Cause PA and League of Women Voters PA intervened to stop Judicial Watch purge in 2020

Common Cause PA and League of Women Voters PA intervened to stop Judicial Watch purge in 2020

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