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Voting & Elections 11.28.2023

Ballots that arrive in time should be counted, Pennsylvania judge rules

Every eligible person who casts a ballot should have their vote counted.

Voting & Elections 11.28.2023

Federal judge says Pennsylvania mail-in ballots should still count if dated incorrectly

A federal judge ruled that mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania without accurate handwritten dates on their exterior envelopes must still be counted if they are received in time.

Voting & Elections 11.28.2023

Erie federal judge’s ruling on mail-in ballots could shape outcome of 2024 election

Federal judge ruled that mail-in ballots without accurate dates handwritten on their exterior envelopes must still be counted if they are received in time.

Voting & Elections 11.28.2023

Federal judge: Mail-in ballots missing handwritten date must still be counted

A federal judge ruled in favor of voting rights advocates on the issue of mail-in voting.

Voting & Elections 11.27.2023

Federal judge: Undated and wrongly dated Pennsylvania mail ballots must be counted

A federal judge has ruled that undated or misdated mail ballots must be counted if received on time.

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