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Voting & Elections 09.15.2021

Senate Committee to Vote Today on Subpoenas of Voters’ Personal Information

"These subpoenas are a frightening violation of voters’ privacy and an egregious abuse of power. State regulations specifically exempt certain information from public release, because of privacy concerns --  but these subpoenas would require the Department of State to provide that information anyway." 

Voting & Elections 09.15.2021

Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania on Wednesday approved subpoenas for a wide range of data and personal information on voters, advancing a probe of the 2020 election in a key battleground state former president Donald Trump has repeatedly targeted with baseless claims of fraud.

Khalif Ali, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, a good-government advocacy group that works on issues related to voter access, called the subpoenas approved Wednesday a “frightening violation of voters’ privacy and an egregious abuse of power.” “There’s no explanation about what they intend to do with the information, or why they think they need it,” he said in a statement. “They also have not announced any plans for security measures to protect the information from disclosure. … Pennsylvanians deserve to have their private information protected by the people they elected to office, not used as political fodder to appease lies told by a former president.”

Voting & Elections 09.12.2021

Most inmates in Pennsylvania jails are allowed to vote, but they do so at low rates and a new report finds that the ease of casting a ballot varies widely by county.

“You have jails with the actual policies in place, and there’s a gap between the policy and actual implementation,” said Khalif Ali, head of Common Cause Pennsylvania. “If you simply say, ‘Oh, yeah, you guys can vote,’ and there’s nothing else, you’re essentially telling them: ‘Figure it out.’”

Voting & Elections 06.30.2021

Gov. Wolf’s Vetoes Save Voters’ Access, Save Taxpayers $100+ million

'We – and the taxpayers of Pennsylvania – thank Gov. Wolf for his vetoes today. Today’s vetoes help quantify the financial cost of the anti-voter legislation being passed around the country. In actual dollars-and-cents, making it harder to vote would have cost $99 million in upfront costs and another $19 million in annual recurring costs.'

Voting & Elections 06.29.2021

Keystone Votes Coalition Urges Veto of H.B. 1300

Members of the nonpartisan Keystone Votes coalition today urged the governor to veto House Bill 1300, a sweeping but controversial set of GOP-backed legislative election reforms.

Voting & Elections 06.25.2021

Pennsylvania Senate Passes Anti-Voter Bill

The state Senate has just passed HB 1300, a package of voting law changes that includes provisions to make voting more difficult, particularly for Black, Brown and low income voters. We thank Governor Wolf for his promise to quickly veto it

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