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Voting & Elections 12.2.2019

Pennsylvania is implementing the biggest changes to its electoral system in decades, including an expansion of absentee ballot access, easier voter registration, the elimination of straight-party voting, and tens of millions of dollars for new voting machines.

“It’s been 80 years since we’ve done something like this,” said Micah Sims, head of the Pennsylvania branch of the good-government group Common Cause. “We can’t allow one particular entity to do it all by themselves. We have to work together.”

Voting & Elections 10.23.2019

Gov. Tom Wolf and Republican lawmakers agreed to fund voting machines, expand ballot access, and remove straight-party voting. Votes in the full House and Senate are awaited.

Micah Sims, head of Common Cause Pennsylvania, said that he supports the entire bill and that removal of the straight-party voting option is a positive one for voters. Invoking civil rights fights is inappropriate, he said.

This Week in Pennsylvania – September 1

Our Executive Director, Micah Sims, was a guest on ABC27's This Week in Pennsylvania. On the program, he spoke about everything from census funding to election protection and more!

The Fight Doesn’t End, Redistricting Reform Will Move Forward

On Monday, June 25th the Pennsylvania legislative assembly adjourned for what is probably the final time until September without passing redistricting reform legislation. During recent weeks heavy activity was focused on attempts to pass a redistricting bill to improve the process of drawing congressional and legislative maps in Pennsylvania.

Common Cause Pennsylvania Announces Democracy Works Summit 2018 May 21st & 22nd Focusing on Upcoming Census & Fight to End Gerrymandering  

Common Cause Pennsylvania and Executive Director Micah Sims are pleased to announce a two-day DEMOCRACY WORKS SUMMIT in Philadelphia, May 21 – 22, 2018 focusing on the upcoming census and efforts to end “gerrymandering” - the undemocratic practice of drawing legislative districts for political advantage. Panel discussions will feature leaders of national and state advocacy campaigns to reform our broken redistricting system. We will discuss the critical upcoming 2020 census, its administration, outreach and the impact undercounting could have for Pennsylvania and America.

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